
Two’s A Crowd

Michael Beck

Lord how quick we jump in, to do your job for You
You sometimes move too slowly, and waiting’s hard to do
Problems demand answers, decisions must be made
When things seem out of order, we become afraid

Excuse us Lord, move over. Your throne we’ll help you fill
We like that You are with us, we’ll give You credit still
We’re banking on our game plan and hope You will agree
We could not sit by idly, we helped enormously

What’s this? You didn’t need us. It’s us in need of You?
You say You weren’t worried and wished we weren’t too?
You mean You had a game plan, in time to be unveiled?
Oh well, Your throne was working, we thought that You had failed

Lord, help us more to trust You, depend upon your cues
Keep us from presumption, where roles become confused
Until You really need us, and call us to a task
May all our strength be idle, may we be slow, not fast

For You alone are Sovereign, and hallowed is Your Name
Your throne must be kept holy, our movements not profane
Arise, O Lord, we cry out, there is a job to do!
But till You want assistance, it’s better left with You

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.