
Savior of a Mourning Heart

Michael Beck

I sought a world where I was king
Where others bowed and did my thing
I found a world I couldn’t stand
Which wouldn’t go as I had planned

I sought a world where all was fair
Where out of place was not a hair
I found a world I viewed as bad
Which took my peace and made me mad

I sought a world which treats me right
Where I was good in others’ sight
I found a world that treats me wrong
Which hasn’t loved me all along

The world I looked for I’ve not found
And all its lack has left me bound
Chains of anger hold me fast
Damn my present, curse my past

Where can I escape this hate?
Or is it now for me too late?
The world won’t change, of this I’m sure
It’s I who must be shown a Door

No, not to exit from this earth
But to discover a rebirth
Where I am as I ought to be
In a kingdom – not of me

“Enter,” Christ has bid me come
To find in Him a place to run
When nothing in my world is right
And honor I receive is light

“Take my yoke, and learn of me
Find a peace that will not flee
I will make up what you lack
And keep you on a godly track

Expect the world will let you down
Give little smiles and lots of frowns
But if you’ll seek me you will find
A bigger heart and better mind

No loss, no pain will drive you mad
Though nothing changes, but stays bad
You will stand and love through me
An overcomer you will be.”

I come my Lord, because I must
I cannot any longer trust
This world to be the world I crave
My mourning heart, O Lord! please save

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.