

Michael Beck

“If you think the way I do, you won’t be such a mess
If you let me pray for you, I’m sure that God will bless
If you have the faith I have, your mountain has to move
If you come inside my church, you’re sure to find the truth
We have got it down real pat, our way is tried and true
Just sign on and come aboard and it will work for you
But if you don’t I am afraid God’s blessings you won’t find
I hope you know it’s for your good I speak to you my mind.”

Child of God, beware of those, who lure you to their gate
There is one Door to enter in, by which you must be saved
Be not deceived by their fair words  – they say that they believe
“Jesus is the only Way,” while more is up their sleeve
Such draw disciples to themselves, and make you follow them
Schooling you in all their ways, becoming pawns of men
The Way is one, the Truth has come, the Life is in the Son
From those who make another way, be sure to quickly run

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.