Have you fallen for your image?
Have you read your own good press?
There’s another fall awaiting
If it all goes to your head
Don’t think it cannot happen
Lucifer was good at first
But his beauty and his wisdom
Caused his vanity to thirst
And Paul, the great apostle
Because of all he knew
Still needed thorn of humbling
In order to stay true
And don’t forget your Savior
To whom none can compare
Who sought no earthly glory
But shame and spitting bear
His face beyond all others
Was marred and bloodied too
To Him none were attracted
Nor gave Him what was due
So when men sing your praises
And glory in your might
Remember where it comes from
Lest you fall from your height
Be blessed with your promotion
Give thanks for all God’s gifts
But glory in your weakness
For through it heaven lifts
A heart that loves one image
Adores one beaten face
Cries “Holy!” like His angels
And glories in His grace