
When God Arises

Michael Beck

“… I will work, and who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:13)

God knows what it takes to get His will done. Where our efforts fail, His succeed. When He has decided to show mercy, mercy will be shown. When He has decided to bring judgment, judgment will be brought. God will hear our prayers. He wants our hearts to align with His. But even with that, there comes a time when He will override our wishes. We may want Him to bring judgment, when He is willing to show mercy. We may want Him to show mercy, when He is ready to bring judgment. When He arises from His throne, there is no turning Him back.

Know that the Lord God is the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe. Men can either submit to His benevolent rule, or face the consequences of their defiance. He has no plans to abdicate from His throne. No one has ever or will ever usurp Him. He gives every human being the opportunity to find mercy. He is gracious and longsuffering. When others would condemn us, He stands ready to pardon us, if we will repent. When others would give us a pass out of misguided love, He will judge us according to our works. He watches. He waits. He gives us “space to repent.” And in a moment, known only to Him, He acts in response to what He sees. Live in such a way that when He arises, it is to show you mercy.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.