“I will hear what God the LORD will speak …” (Psalm 85:8)
God has something to say to every one of us. The word He has for us pertains to what He knows of us. We know what we want; He knows what we need. Martha certainly knew the general teaching of Jesus; but Mary sat at the feet of her Master, and knew His specific instruction to her.
There are too many “one size fits all” prophetic messages being proffered to the Body of Christ these days. Woe unto those who make such blanket declarations without any consideration for where individual members of the body may be. Instead of the typical, ear-tickling “this is the season of your breakthrough” message, could it be that the “now” word needed is a word of correction? Instead of proclaiming a general “peace, peace” to the whole flock, there should be more intimate pastoral care that visits and know the state of the individual sheep, and then ministers and prays accordingly.
Jesus knows each of us His sheep by name. What Peter needed to hear was different from what He had to say to John. The message of Christ to each of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation was specific to them. When will the ministry of the church do its main job of calling each member to position themselves to hear from God? God forbid that in our zeal for spiritual gifts, we usurp the sacred place of the Holy Spirit in the life of God’s people, who need to learn to hear from Him, not depend upon us.
We will live by every word that proceeds from God’s mouth to our ears. Don’t settle for fake news. Determine to hear what God has to say to you. Open your mouth and God will fill it. Only by eating this personalized manna from heaven will God’s blessing be brought upon your life.