
The Shield of Contentment

Michael Beck

“… Surely they are disquieted in vain.” (Psalm 39:6)

There is a place of contentment in God that shields us from bitterness and anger. When our heart would bemoan our lack or loss of good things, it miraculously keeps us in unruffled peace. Yes, things may not be the way we would like them to be; or the way they should be; but despite our situation, we can say, “It is well with my soul.”

Without the protection of contentment our hearts are so often in a state of uproar when we perceive things as being “off.” We pin our happiness on things that were never meant to bring us real joy and lasting satisfaction. We obsess over nothing, and give little thought to what would make for real peace in our life.

David came to see how men, even the best of men, can so easily be “disquieted in vain;” (literally, “raging or roaring over nothing.”) How can this inner turmoil be calmed? Only by seeing things as God sees them, and letting what matters most to Him matter most to us.

The abundant life that Jesus came to give us is not found in an abundance of things. He would give us more peace and more joy in following Him than any we could get by pursuing the best things this life affords. And when we get less of the world’s good things, it is the perfect opportunity to gain godliness with contentment which surpasses all the world could give us.

Decisions have to be made when we face frustration and disappointment. Our heart is under attack, but there is a shield which can protect us if we will let it. What we have naturally will always be enough if what we are really after is what only God can give us.

Lose sight of the earthly; set your sights on the eternal. Get excited over something worth getting worked up about.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.