
The Power of Meekness

Michael Beck

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.” (Romans 15:1-3)

Jesus has a throne today because He left His throne and became a servant. He is exalted because of His humility. He is honored because our dishonoring of Him did not unleash His anger upon us. His throne is upheld by His mercy. (Prov. 20:28)

If we knew our Master more intimately, we would be meeker. We would demand obedience less and earn it more. We would have more confidence that if our ways please our Lord, He will make even our enemies to be at peace with us. We would need less control because our confidence would be in a big God who alone has the power to subdue all things to Himself. For every good fight we engage in there would be a hundred evil ones we avoid.

The more we have to have things our way, the less we will get along with others. So much conflict is unnecessary and stems from selfish, unyielding people demanding things their way. But the wisdom from above is “easy to be entreated.” We could all bend in so many places. There’s so much we should let slide and not make a big deal over.

Over the years we should look in the mirror and ask ourselves why we can become so contentious? Why are we so ready to say no to others when we could say yes? Because we like control. We love power. We feel good when things are the way we like them to be. To that end we want to train others to “stay in their place.” Why? Simply because we are more comfortable being the one in the driver’s seat.

If you would be truly strong, you will be meek and lowly of heart. You will be patient and gentle with those around you. You will not become threatened when someone voices a contrary opinion, or wants to go in a different direction. You won’t always need to be right. You will follow your Lord in enduring the contradiction of sinners against yourself. You will endure grief, suffering wrongfully, and you will take it all patiently. And what will allow you to do this? You will be less dedicated to what you want and far more concerned with what God wants. You will not be living to please yourself, but you will want above all to please Him who bore your sins in His own body.

Show your flock the way of peace. Be the person you want them to become. If they are acting like children, be an adult.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.