
Revival Needed!

Michael Beck

“But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel.” (Isaiah 43:22)

We can become weary of many things. Weary of going to church, weary of our job, our school, our marriage, our life. Weariness can turn into depression. We no longer care, our mind and affections have flatlined. But the real reason why the flame for living is barely alive is that we have not maintained the spark in our relationship with God. He has not been our chief joy and daily delight. We have became weary of Him.

Sometimes we need to become weary of the many things that have distracted us from the one thing truly needful. We need to be in a weary and desolate wilderness in order to turn to the fountain of life. We need to lose the company of men to find the company of God. “But now he hath made me weary: thou hast made desolate all my company.” (Job 16:7)

But we are afraid of being empty. We are afraid of silence. We are uncomfortable alone in the presence of God. So we busy ourselves with the things we find interesting because we have yet to find God interesting. He wearies us. His company is boring.

What must be removed from us before we will confront our underlying disdain for the God who has been waiting in the wings for our company and fellowship? The Lord gives and He takes away. Sometimes the subtraction is necessary.

God would take away others so He might bring us face to face with Himself. He wants us to know and love Him in this life, before we meet Him in the next. There will never be real joy coursing through our soul until we are firmly and fully connected to the Giver of life.

Be weary of all else, but don’t be weary of the One who can revive your heart and make your life worth living.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.