“Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed …” (Psalm 25:3)
In our rush to be big we become small. In our quest to be rich we become poor. In our push to be strong we become weak.
God makes all things beautiful in His time. Our haste leads to waste. When our steps are not ordered by the Lord we arrive at vanity.
Our Father would enlarge our hearts on the smallest, most mundane and obscure stages of life. He would enrich our lives beyond all that this world has to offer through the simplest acts of obedience. He would daily renew our strength as we wait on Him in broken dependence and a single desire to only do His will.
Patience is not a fruit of the Spirit. Patience is the basis of every fruit of the Spirit. Patience is not a virtue; it is the ground of all virtue.
If we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, we can keep perfect step with God. Don’t fear being left behind. Don’t fear “wasting your talents.” Dedicate your life to God and your ear to His Spirit. You will never end up being ashamed when you have been obedient to Him.