
Lord of Our Emotions

Michael Beck

“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” (Psalm 119:165)

When we seek God He brings us through agitation to peace. He knows the exact thing we need to hear to soothe our heart. He meets us as Abigail met David and checks us with His wisdom. He keeps our hands, our feet, and our tongue from evil.

Such is the way of the godly: to turn to God, their Rock, when their heart is overwhelmed. He is not their last resort, He is their first resort, their Refuge in the midst of every storm. When without there is so much to vex and move them, He stabilizes them within.

We have emotions because God has made us in His likeness, and He has emotions. But our emotions can be hijacked by the enemy of our soul. He can work in and through our emotions to take us far off God’s course for us. Do not let whatever you are feeling control you. Jesus is our Lord. He wants to rule even when our emotions are running high. He speaks peace to the storm, lest it bring us to shipwreck.

Great peace belongs to those who invite God into their every thought and emotion and let Him bring order out of tumult.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.