
Look No Further

Michael Beck

“Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.” (Proverbs 17:24)

When the time comes for us to do something; (or, at least prepare to do something) the Lord is faithful to alert us. Until that time we should “take no thought for the morrow.” We have enough to think about in a real present than to fill our mind with a future that may never be.

Living in the past is not wise; neither is living in the future. We covet a better tomorrow, filled with more of the good things we desire, when we are discontent with our present lot. Our ideal world can become an idol. Instead of gaining the wisdom and grace we need in the “wilderness” we inhabit, we focus on a far off land flowing with milk and honey. We have allowed our joy and peace to be dependent on our circumstance.

Is the Lord our Shepherd? Does He know how to lead us to the waters and pastures He wants us to drink and eat from? Absolutely. We need to trust that He will order our steps in the way He wants us to go. He will give us the desires of our heart; but He wants to be our chief delight in life. When our present locale is not naturally conducive to happiness, can we learn to dwell in Him, finding fullness of joy in His presence? God would try our heart in the driest of deserts.

Christ promised us a peace that the world could not give. The best earthly situation cannot last. All things in this life are subject to change. But knowing the Father and the Son is life eternal. His lovingkindness is better than the best life we can imagine. Today, right where we are, with those who surround us, is an opportunity to know our Lord in a greater way. Look no further.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.