
Like Martha

Michael Beck

“And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful …” (Luke 10:41,42)

The story of Martha and Mary was included in the sacred canon because it applies to each and every one of us. Like Martha, we all can become anxious and troubled over a variety of things. Martha’s focus on this day was on what she needed to get done and how oblivious her sister, (and her Lord,) were to her situation.

On top of the pressure she was under, Martha was in the grip of resentment. We resent having to ask or remind someone to do something that they should know to do without our asking. We resent being the only one to see something that should be done. We resent needing something from someone who doesn’t really want to give it to us. We resent being put in a situation we would not have to deal with were it not for the action or inaction of another. Martha was not only anxious, she was angry.

Our hearts can become overwhelmed by any number of things. There is the life we want and the way things should be, and the life that is and the way things are. We can bring our overwhelmed heart to God, but don’t expect Him to wave a magic wand over the situation and make it exactly to your liking. He will say to you what He said to Martha so long ago – “You really only need one thing. Sit at my feet. Hear My Word. Let Me give you My peace that passes all understanding. When all around you is wrong in your sight, let Me be your strength and your help. I will keep you right in My eyes.”

We are all like Martha. We all need to be like Mary.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.