
Light that Brings Peace

Michael Beck

“… But they that seek the LORD understand all things.” (Proverbs 28:5)

There is great peace in having God’s perspective. Joseph’s brothers expected him to be full of animosity toward them, but seeing what happened to him through God’s eyes gave him a beautiful rest of spirit. “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good …” (Gen. 50:20)

Every event of our life is open to interpretation. The devil would have us see things through his eyes. He would fill us with anger, bitterness, and hatred. Where God would uplift us, he would depress us. He is the master of an evil interpretation, who would use our life against us. Where God works all things together for good, he works all things together for evil.

If we are to keep a sound heart and mind we must continually seek the Lord. Sitting at His feet is the one thing needful. As we learn of Him we find rest for our souls. He has given us the Comforter to guide us into all truth. We don’t have to know everything; but by His Spirit we can know all things He wants us to know. Just one word from Him can still the restless turmoil of our soul.

Lean not to your own understanding. Be as a little child who needs the explanation of her parent for all things. We have a good, good Father who would help us navigate the perplexing waters of this crazy life. Talk to Him, and give Him the opportunity to answer you. His light is worth waiting for; it will bring you great peace. And until then, He will give you a peace that passes all understanding.

“And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” (Isaiah 54:13)

“… In thy light shall we see light.” (Psalm 36:9)

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.