“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” (Psalms 10:4)
The worldly sage tells one and all: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” The plan and purpose of God does not enter the picture. Submit to God? Seek His will? Nonsense. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
With God out of the way, the only remaining obstacle is what other men have to say. Here is the test. Can one be brave enough to defy the naysayers? Or will one be shackled with fear, unable to self-actualize, because others show their disapproval?
There is a vast difference between godly bravery and worldly bravado. When a man of God understands the will of God he moves confidently in the path shown him. People, left and right, may call him crazy, warning him of disaster ahead, but he will do what he knows God wants him to do. He is living for God, not man.
The worldly man is full of himself. He may look brave, but he lacks wisdom. He will likely be commended for his fearless attitude in pursuing his goals, but his end will be no better than Balaam’s.
The godly man may have to defy his fellow man, but he does not defy his God.