
Despising the Wisdom of the World

Michael Beck

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1:1,2)

The very last thing a child of God should do is sit at the feet of a child of the world and learn from them how to live a good life. The world walks after the prince of the power of the air, fulfilling the desires of their flesh and mind, without a thought as to what God has to say. (Eph. 2:2,3; Ps. 10:4) The desires of those who walk after the flesh are contrary to the desires of those who walk after the Spirit. (Gal. 5:17) The once-born individual has not entered into the kingdom of God, neither has he seen it. (John 3:3,5) He cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God because they are foolishness to him. (1 Cor. 2:14) What he does receive is the Luciferic encouragement to figure out what makes him happy and to do it, no matter what anyone else thinks. This he calls “freedom.”

Should one who has escaped the corruption that is in the world turn back to such a godless way of thinking and living? Should he give his ear to those who promote such drivel? God forbid! The Spirit of truth continually guides us into a life where worldly lusts and ungodliness are denied, and we “abound more and more” in how we should walk and please God. (Titus 2:12; 1 Thes. 4:1) The idolatrous self-pleasing life of our old man is crucified with Christ and we have been raised as new creatures to live for Him who died and rose again for us. (Rom. 6:6;2 Cor. 5:15)

There ought to be immediate spiritual discernment in God’s children as to what is of the world and what is of God. Where “self” is worshipped, served, and bowed down to there is the spirit of the world. Let us have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. We were once darkness, but now we are light in the Lord. Let us walk as children of the light. (Eph. 5:6-12)

The proud may call themselves happy, but may God’s saints never believe they are as happy as they claim to be. (Mal. 3:15) To the contrary: “Happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.” (Psa. 144:15) Truly blessed are those who don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly, but delight in learning everything their God would require of them in order to be His obedient servants. That is true happiness. That is true freedom.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.