
Daily Strength

Michael Beck

“Give us day by day our daily bread.” (Luke 11:3)

Each day has its own set of problems. Jesus said, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matt. 6:34) In other words, “Don’t worry about what tomorrow might hold; you have enough today to get through.”

But how can we get through today without God? Each day has its own share of disturbance and stress. Our heart comes under attack. We grow weary and faint. We’re tempted to give up and give in to some wrong way of responding to it all. We need to be on the receiving end of God’s all-sufficient grace if we’re going to stand.

God would meet us at the point of our need. Having gotten God’s help yesterday is not going to uphold us today. Yesterday’s meal might have been great, but we need a strengthening meal for today. God has manna from on high to give us if we will look for it. Are we praying, “Lord, give me what I need to handle the heat of the this day. I don’t want to faint. I don’t want to fail.”

Today’s trial can be gotten through. But not without God. With Him, we can not only survive the day, but thrive in it. His strength can be perfected in our weakness. We can lay our heads down at night with a song of grateful praise in our hearts because God was with us today, and He will be there for us tomorrow.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.