“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakkuk 3:18)
You don’t serve God for what He will give you; you serve Him because He is God and He is worthy. You rejoice in Him at all times, though your fondest wishes don’t materialize; your labor seems to have produced nothing; and all you planned for and expected has not unfolded. He Himself and His presence in your life is better than the best that this life has to offer.
To envy the wicked because they can go and do and get while you have to wait on God is a recipe for weariness and apostasy. Beware of a bitter spirit toward your Maker. Beware of a downcast, unhappy heart. We are commanded to rejoice. Anyone can experience joy when life is treating them good. But God calls us to rejoice in Him at all times. He calls us to delight in Him even when our lives are unpleasant and our hearts are sick with disappointment.
Serve notice on Satan that you will worship and serve your God no matter what life brings. The devil is a thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Let him know that the one thing you will not let him take from you is your love and faith toward God.