
Would You Be Free Indeed?

Michael Beck

“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin … If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:34,36)

Sin is deceitful because it promises pleasure, but delivers pain; it offers you help, but only hurts you; it pretends to be a life-giving friend, but in reality, is your deadliest enemy.

Sin is a lie. Sin swindles you out of your dignity; robs you of your right mind and better judgment; and destroys your relationship with God and man. Sin uses, abuses, and exploits you. The evil world we live in, the sinners around you, are not your problem; the sin within you is the problem. Until that sin is hated; until it is exposed and you believe it to be your number one enemy; until you want it gone and out of your life for good, it will continue to blight and bewilder you until the day you perish in it.

The evil world we live in, the sinners around you, are not your problem; the sin within you is the problem.

Good news! Jesus came to destroy sin in your life, before it completely and finally destroys you. The very mission of Jesus is to deliver us from our bondage to sin. He who the Son sets free is free indeed! What may look like impossible chains to you, Christ can break. Though you are in the deepest dungeon, Jesus has the keys for your release. He can bring you up and out of the most horrible pit. He can extricate you from the quicksand of sin, put your feet on solid ground, and begin leading you in new paths of righteousness. He alone is the restorer of the human soul.

You may now feel hopelessly trapped in the prison of sin, but Jesus came to set the captives free.

You may now feel hopelessly trapped in the prison of sin, but Jesus came to set the captives free. The first step is recognizing that the sin you once thought good is actually evil. The fruit you once thought sweet is bitter. The way that once seemed right is really the way of death. The deceitfulness of sin has to go. The next step is desperately wanting out, but humbly admitting you need the Lord’s intervention. You can’t do this without Jesus and His cleansing blood! The final step is calling upon Him to come to your rescue.

Do it now. The Lord Jesus has already done the hard part. He suffered and died to save you. Receive His salvation. It will make obedience to God easier than you think.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.