
Upside Down

Michael Beck

“Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?” (Isaiah 29:16)

We should not find it strange that the world is so morally confused. Wrong has always been right and right wrong to those who don’t know God. But what is shocking is the lack of judgment among those who profess to know God and call themselves followers of Christ.

Those who claim to be “progressives” in the church are not being led by the Spirit of truth into all truth.

Not long ago, two issues that are now up for debate, were crystal clear. We are not talking about such things as interracial marriage, or a woman’s right to vote. We are referring to abortion and homosexual “marriage.” How is it that what was once blatantly, obviously wrong has to be nuanced into a “gray area,” or even embraced and celebrated as a good? Those who claim to be “progressives” in the church are not being led by the Spirit of truth into all truth. To the contrary, they are in the vanguard of those who would lead souls to damnation. They are the blind leading the blind.

The church cannot afford to “halt between two opinions” on these seminal issues. They are “clear cut” and uncontroversial in scripture.

The church cannot afford to “halt between two opinions” on these seminal issues. They are “clear cut” and uncontroversial in scripture. Homosexuality is sexual uncleanness. It is “against the natural use” that God established for a man and a woman. It is a “turning of things upside down,” and out of God’s order. He calls such an abomination in His sight. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. Even worse, it is the slaughter of innocent life. It is a high crime in the eyes of heaven and an abomination which God hates.

There are those who would “gainsay” the clear word of God. They would answer that there are other things which God hates as well. That argument in no way negates what God’s word says about abortion and homosexuality.

Here is the bottom line: if we love God, we keep His commandments. We love what He loves, and we hate what He hates. We do not justify disobedience. We do not condone or celebrate anything which is proscribed in scripture.

We are called to love people, whoever they are and whatever they have done. But we are never to turn things “upside down” and call evil good.

Long ago, the plumb line was set. It is not a political plumb line; it is a moral plumb line determined by scripture. The two defining issues of our day are abortion and homosexuality. Where one stands on these issues reveals whether they are in God’s camp or not. You are not necessarily right with God because you believe abortion and homosexuality are wrong; but you are definitely at odds with God if you believe they are right.

We are called to love people, whoever they are and whatever they have done. But we are never to turn things “upside down” and call evil good. Do not count any person who justifies these evils as a member of the family of God. They are advocates of iniquity and rebellion. Withdraw from such.

“Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” (Malachi 3:18)

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.