All God has said and done throughout history, all He is doing today and will do in the future, ought to be the subject of man’s greatest interest and investigation. God’s works are great and worthy of looking into. “The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.” (Psalm 111:2)
The children of this world are not interested in knowing anything about God’s works because they have no pleasure in them. They have a cool disregard for what God has done or is doing. “They regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands” (Psalm 28:5)
Scorn is best shown through non-interest. The world scorns God. When He would want to show Himself to men, when He would want them to see His work and hear His word, they are simply uninterested. “They refuse to know me, saith the LORD.” (Jeremiah 9:6) Though His “Wisdom” cries aloud in the chief places of the city, on the corner of every street, inviting all to a seven course meal of life giving food, the world passes right on by.
Non-interest is the order of the day. A little religion is fine, but a real interest in a God who wants to know them intimately, is another thing altogether.
Most people would not even claim to hate God; they don’t have that much passion. They would rather ignore Him. They are not atheists, they are apatheists; people who don’t want and don’t really care about a God who wants involvement in their world.
Non-interest is the order of the day. A little religion is fine, but a real interest in a God who wants to know them intimately, is another thing altogether. The world calculates how to keep a good, safe distance from having to see, hear or consider anything having to do with an overeager God and His claims upon them. In a word, they do a great job at giving God the “cold shoulder,” turning their back to Him, and not their face.
If this is how the world treats God, why then are God’s people not equally scornful of the world? Why are believers so interested in what the world has to offer? Why does a holy nation run with the world to see and hear the latest worldly amusement, when the world is certainly not running with us to church? Shouldn’t we have the same scorn for the things of this world and the “artistic” creations of those that have turned aside from God? Instead of flocking to see, hear and experience the latest wicked thing the world is offering up, shouldn’t this be our testimony: “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me. A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person.” (Psalm 101:3,4)
Take a bold stand for your God: show non-interest in the fleeting things of this world. Become intimate with Life eternal.