“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” (John 10:14)
There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven. When God is superintending our lives there’s no need to fear any season. The spring and fall are good; but so is the winter and summer. Blue skies are good; but so are dark days. In the day of prosperity we are to rejoice; but in the day of trouble we should do the same. Would we be without problems? Then we would be without an experience of God’s mighty hand in our life. God brought the children of Israel into many a bind so that they could discover His lovingkindness and faithfulness toward them. “And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses.” (Exodus 14:31) Faith grows through experience.
Would we be without problems? Then we would be without an experience of God’s mighty hand in our life.
There are times when the Lord’s sheep are nestled in a green pasture, far from danger; and there are times when predators surround them. But if the Lord is with them they need not fear any evil. His presence is their comfort and He will spread a table before them in the presence of their enemies. Instilling fear and troubling the heart is a major tactic of the enemy. But those who fear the Lord and walk obediently with Him do not need to fear a thing. They are in good hands. If the Lord be for us, who can be against us?
There is only one concern that should always be before us: are we hearing and obeying the voice of our great, good Shepherd? If He is telling us to go, we dare not stay. If He is telling us to lay low, we dare not lift ourselves up. Our main business in life is to know our Lord and His voice. We don’t know Him through our religion, our ministers, our doctrines, as much as we know Him in the most personal of ways. He knows each of His sheep by name, and each of them know His Name. It doesn’t matter if every prophet in the land tells you to “go up” and possess the land, if your Lord tells you to sit still, you must obey your God. Do not fear that life is passing you by. Fear presumption.
Our main business in life is to know our Lord and His voice.
Man is naturally hasty and impatient. Contrary to what some have taught, we don’t always have a green light unless God gives us a red light. Too often our “green light” is the product of our own will and desire. Until we have learned to distinguish between the excitement and ambition of our own spirit and the leading of God’s Spirit we need to proceed with caution. Our passion can get ahead of God’s timing. It is no sin to question whether an idea is just your own idea. Peter courageously walked on the water, but he first asked, “Lord, if it is you, bid me to come.”
When our soul is lifted up it is not upright. (Hab. 2:4) If we would walk by faith we must hear God’s Word to us. It is not enough to have some scripture backing us up. Satan gave Jesus scriptural backing to throw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple. Pride goes before a fall; but before honor is humility. We cannot get too low. God calls us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand and He will lift us up in “due season.” (1 Peter 5:6)
Do not fear that your Father will forget you in the hidden wilderness He has led you into by His own Spirit.
Do not fear that your Father will forget you in the hidden wilderness He has led you into by His own Spirit. There is a season of preparation going on there. He would have you see His hand of protection and provision. He would have you experience the comfort of His presence. He would have you know Him intimately and recognize His leading. You will then go forth in due season, not by your own might or power, but by His Spirit.