“Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.” (Ecclesiastes 9:18)
Wisdom causes us to choose our battles wisely. Temperance keeps our strength under God’s control. The truly powerful are those who are slow to speak and slow to anger. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” (Prov. 16:32)
We live in a day of rage. People love to get up in arms about whatever is under their skin. Whether in homes, workplaces, or on our roads: hot-heads abound. You never know what raging bull you might run into on any given day. You don’t know what ticking time-bomb is in your vicinity.
The truly powerful are those who are slow to speak and slow to anger.
The moral decay in our country is evidenced as much by the madness of the populace than by any other indicator of immorality. Seemingly, “out of nowhere,” people who were supposed to be normal, suddenly become mass murderers. Those who were deemed decent, average people kill family members, co-workers, themselves.
Paul told us that perilous times would come and they are here. (2 Tim. 3:1) They are here not because our world is being threatened by greenhouse gases, they are here because men are “lovers of their own selves.” They are also “without natural affection … incontinent, (and) fierce.”
The world is dying for lack of wisdom, for lack of a better way. Change must begin on the individual level. It must begin in those who profess to know God. We cannot have a form of godliness, we must have the power of godliness. This power will enable us to rule our spirits, and tame our tongues, and live peaceably with those around us. We will not cry, nor lift ourselves up, or make our voice known in the street. (Isa. 42:2) We will rule in judgment and righteousness under our King Jesus. (Isa. 42:1) We will be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
Be a missionary right where you are. The person living, walking, driving next to you needs you to be a godly representative of Christ.
It will become darker before the dawn for this whole earth. Man’s experiment with godlessness has to run its course. But God has always had a remnant who are not conformed to this world’s way. It is time for the true church of Jesus Christ to rise and shine. Let’s not get so caught up in grandiose plans for world-wide revival, that we forget to tend to what is on our front porch.
“Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.” (Prov. 17:24)
Be a missionary right where you are; every day demonstrate the power of the gospel to those around you by the way you carry yourself and interact with others. You never know who your life could be impacting. The person living, walking, driving next to you needs you to be a godly representative of Christ. They need to know that Christ has the power to subdue the demons of rage that plague them. Your witness may make a huge difference in their life and in the world you share with them.