
The Perfect Friend

Michael Beck

Would we look at Mara’s face and tell her, “Go cheer up?”
Would we hear a Job’s complaint and tell him to “Get tough?”
Do the troubled and the weak, make us feel “dis-eased?”
Do afflicted souls not healed make us sore displeased?
Can we see another’s pain and silent sit awhile?
Or must they “Get over it!” as we demand a smile?

Jesus is a friend indeed, who suffered as we do
He knows how to strengthen us, because He suffered too
Our sorrows, griefs, and brokenness, He never will despise
As we come humbly to His feet, He’ll help us slowly rise
He is the Balm of Gilead, He does not fear our want
With expert care He’ll treat our wounds, while others only taunt

Be healed indeed by Him whose touch can reach where others can’t
Let Jesus from His Mercy Seat deep down real wholeness grant
And then you will as morning sun arise from darkest night
To sing His praise for what He’s done in making you all right
From there go forth with humble heart to others recommend
That Name which is above all names, man’s only Perfect Friend

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.