Where did you go? Why did you stray?
The way ahead was plain as day
It started small with discontent
And then snowballed until you went
From bad to worse, from light to dark
What will it take to halt this lark?
It’s all downhill on this decline
With worst ahead when you don’t mind
To do such things you never thought
You’d ever do, you’re better taught
And when the world comes out your nose
And all you chased gets up and goes
Remember Him, who as a child
You called upon, when not so wild
Before the days you now regret
When God was good and you were set
To love Him more than anyone
To stay with Him and never run
It’s He you looked to in the night
It’s He you counted would be right
No matter how the world appeared
No matter how it stoked your fears
God was your friend, you told Him so
And now He left? or did you go?
Return He says, He wants you back
With all you got one thing you lack
The presence of your dearest friend
Whose friendship you put to an end
You can resume this wondrous walk
You can again in darkness talk
To Him who’ll calm your every fear
And hold you in the midst of tears
Just tell Him this is what you wish
A comfort you have greatly missed
Tonight it can start up again
Where you left off with long lost Friend