
God’s Destination

Michael Beck

There is a place where I would go
My heart is set to fly
But what is this?
My wings are clipped!
My mind keeps asking “Why?”

Why can’t things cooperate?
Why am I denied?
Success is always out of reach
No matter how I’ve tried

Life could be much fuller
Life could be so sweet
If only things went smoother
But obstacles I meet

“No, you can’t!”

“Go take a seat”

“Slow down”

“You’ll have to wait”

When will I get moving?
I inch… and I am late

But in this place
Where I am stuck
A long way still to go
My God shows up
With just the words
My soul does well to know:

“Child, your destination
Is fine, but better still
Is where I want to take you
If you will love My will

The first stop on your journey
Is patience. Are you there?
Until you see its value
Frustration you will wear

I know your wants and treasure
The things you’re longing for
But while you wait in sorrow
I’d like to give you more:

A joy that’s not dependent
On anything but this –
My presence is your portion
My person is your bliss

Think not on what you don’t have
Rejoice that I am yours
Your God who will not leave you
Who has so much in store

You can know Me better
My fullness you can reach
If you won’t waste your heartache
And let me through it teach

A godliness that can’t come
Except you bear My cross
A gain the world does not know
Which only comes through loss

And when you are established
In what I’ve saved you for
Your heart will rest contented
You will need nothing more

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.