What kind of love
Is this You have
That bore my long neglect?
That stood You up
And let You down
And showed You no respect
How is it Lord
You waited long
While I put You on hold?
If I was You
I would have split
From one who was so cold
But You refused
To let my hate
Turn You from loving me
And though I wished
To get away
It was so hard to flee
I did my best
To make You mad
And get You off my tail
But spit You wore
And pain You bore
When I put in the nail
How can it be
That You loved me
When I despised You so?
Such love on earth
Cannot be found
From man I’ll never know
Oh Lord my God
I come to Thee
To hold You in my arms
Forgive me Lord
For fleeing You
In quest of lesser charms
Without Your love
Where would I be?
You should have let me go
But now I’m home
Content at last
To be within Your fold