“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38,39)
God has not promised us only blue skies ahead. Jesus told His disciples that they would have tribulation in this world. This is one promise we don’t like. When real trouble is upon us our world is disrupted. We can’t wait for all to return to normal. If we are wise, we reach for God like a frightened child calling out in the dark for the reassuring presence of mom or dad. He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. But then there is distress of a different sort – a dread foreboding of trouble on the horizon.
Fear has torment, especially fear of “things to come.” If we could only guarantee that something bad will not happen. But without a sure word from God that “this will not be” we need assurance of another sort. We need a persuasion that nothing will separate us from the love of God. Those who have been made children of God through Jesus Christ can have this faith at all times and in all circumstances. We are more than conquerors through Him who has loved us. We can face an uncertain future, free of tormenting fear, because our hand is in God’s hand, and He will be in all our tomorrows.
Many of the things we are afraid of will not happen. But other things can and will. We cannot so control our lives to make them exempt from trouble. What we can do is believe God’s report. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, our Lord will be with us in it. He will walk us through it step by step. He will not leave or forsake us. We will see a brighter tomorrow on the other side of every dark valley we must enter.
The day is coming when there will be no more prospect of pain or trouble. Sorrow and sighing will flee away, and everlasting joy will be upon our heads. How we long and groan for that far off horizon. Until then, may we continually cast all our cares upon Him who cares for us. As long as our world is dark, He is the Light of our world. Because of His presence and promise, His children can get through the darkest night ahead.