“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” (John 15:4)
Maturity cannot be gained overnight. We grow by going through life in constant connection to the Vine. Apart from Christ we bear no good fruit.
Many want to be different. They wish they were less angry, less fearful, less depressed; more patient, more calm; more joyful – but wishing doesn’t change us; we can become even more despondent when we’re not making progress.
Giving lip-service to Christ doesn’t do us any good. To grow in His grace we must grow in His knowledge. Abiding in Christ is a long term commitment to do life through Him. Each day and in every circumstance we face we must go to Him, learn of Him, and become more like Him in our responses. There is no other way to become rooted and grounded and established. Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. We have to look to Him constantly or we will get weary and faint in our minds. He is our only hope of goodness and glory and godly change.
Wishing you were different without taking real steps to being different is a waste of time. Looking anywhere other than Christ is futile. Apart from Him, sin continues and righteousness remains out of reach. Make abiding in Him your chief priority in life. In the end, you will see the change you wish for.