
The World’s Most Popular Religion

Michael Beck

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves …” (2 Timothy 3:1,2)

The religion most opposed to Christianity is “Me-ism.” Until we become a Christian in more than just name only we are devoted to the unholy trinity of “Me,” “Myself,” and “I.” The world revolves around us – what we want, what we think, how we are being treated.

The great irony is that being a lover of one’s own self makes one less, not more, happy. Let no one think that Lucifer, the original and greatest narcissist, is a happy being. He is the most miserable creature in existence, and misery loves company. He would have us obsessively focused on ourselves. But truth be told, as much as God loves us, we are not an only child. God would meet all our needs as we seek His kingdom and righteousness, but not to the detriment of another. They matter too. God would have us be like Him, selflessly esteeming others better than ourselves.

You will find the J.O.Y. of the Lord as you put Jesus first, Others next, and Yourself last. Our Christian profession means very little until we have been delivered from the religion of “Me-ism.” Until then, we will go on living in so much torment and misery. No one and nothing outside of us will be the source of our unhappiness. Our religion will be the cause of our woe.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.