“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
A life without prayer is a life without God. God would be in all of our thoughts. Prayer includes Him. Prayer inquires of Him. Prayer defers to Him, always asking: “Lord, what should I do?” When we pray we “pump the brakes.” We slow down and give God the opportunity to direct us. We invite Him into our situation and let Him show us the way forward.
How much heartache would we spare ourselves if we slowed down enough to find out what God would have us say before we speak? When we pray we give God permission to order the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart. We are slow to speak because we are quick to hear from Him.
In prayer we do more than ask God for some thing; we give Him the right to rule our life and direct our steps. In prayer we don’t rise up in our own spirit to enlist God to do what we will; we humble ourselves before Him to discover and do His will. Prayer precedes action in the life of a godly person. Prayer is not a bothersome nuisance; it is our lifeline, the necessary requirement for God‘s blessing upon our life.
As we grow as believers we ought to be growing in a habit of prayer, knowing more and more how desperately we need God and His involvement in our everyday life. Samuel told the people, “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you …” (1 Sam. 12:23) When we cease to pray, we start to sin. Prayerlessness is sin itself. A life and walk in God cannot be maintained without continuous prayer. Our Lord has commanded us to pray always without giving up. (Lk. 18:1)
Would you stay in God? Then stay in prayer. God will not barge into your heart and mind; He waits for your invitation. Keep Him close and He will keep you from a path of folly and destruction. Prayer is not an option, reserved for super-saints. Prayer is the privilege and vital connection each of us must continue in if we are to continue on the path of life. Make prayer the habit you never quit.