“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)
The world of men will always leave us wanting. We ourselves are bound to fall short in the eyes of others. God never intended for us to find in each other the “fountain of living waters.” Yes, He wants us to be reflections of His love and generosity. But even the best of us can only ever point to a greater goodness and fullness that can only be found in God Himself.
We are wise to think soberly about ourselves, and about others. Both what we give and what we get cannot and will not be enough. Only when the Lord is our Shepherd will we “not want.” When He anoints our head, our cup will run over. When He leads us, goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life.
Every disappointment we experience should signal us to lift up our eyes to our Maker. He has created us for Himself.
Lower your expectations when it comes to man. Raise your expectations when it comes to God. He wants to be more than enough for every one of us.