“For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4:24)
Moses was hidden away in the desert for forty years. David tended his few sheep in a valley which found the eyes of God. Joseph was buried in prison for years with his God. John the Baptist was alone in the wilderness until God finally said, “Cry!” The Son lived out a faithful life before the Father in a lowly village, obscured from the sight of men, who knew Him only as the carpenter’s son.
It is normal for us to hide our shame – our misdeeds, our ugliness, our worst. On the other hand, it is our tendency to want to show others our best work – that breathtaking song we’ve written; or fine painting we’ve drawn; or good deed we’ve done – how quickly we want others to know. Oh how great the desire to impress, to dazzle, to gain admiration!
But God would work in us a glorious beauty that is of Him, by Him, and unto Him. “Here, Lord – this is for You! This is for You to see, to know, to praise. This is my gift to You and to You alone. No one else needs to know, or hear, or see – except You give me permission, and then I will let my light shine before men so they will glorify You. Otherwise, I will let my best work be in secret because You see what is done in secret, both the good and the bad. See the good, may it first and foremost bring You delight! You have bought me with a price. I belong to You! I will not place myself ‘on sale’ for the assessment of any other.”
Can it be enough that God’s eyes are upon us and His “Well done!” awaits us? There is a beauty meant only for the eyes of a jealous God, that those who love Him are content to let Him alone see. Behold, He comes quickly, and His reward is in His hand!