“Let brotherly love continue.” (Hebrews 13:1)
There are some things we have no control over. We don’t let ourselves grow old. We don’t let the sun shine. But there are other things we do have a say in. We can let the mind that was in Christ be in us. We can give in to hate or go on in love.
There are defining moments in our life. They determine whether we go on with the Lord or fall away. They may decide whether we are going to grow or stagnate.
When people fail us, God calls us to love Him. Our love for God is intimately connected to our love for man. It is not enough for us to espouse a general love for mankind; we are called to love the flawed, ugly people who daily rub us the wrong way, or who have done or said something deeply offensive to us. Whether brotherly love continues is up to us. We can throw throw the towel in and fail of the grace of God which would have enabled us to keep loving, praying, believing.
The life we have today is the product of the choices we made yesterday. Today shapes tomorrow. A decision to love is always a wise choice.