
Bye, God!

Michael Beck

“Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.” (James 4:13-16)

Ah, the plans we make! We’re off and running! Without praying. Without seeking God. Without a heart of submission. In our own minds. According to our own desires and power. Glorying in what we can do. What we can get. Where we will go. Enamored by the possibilities before us and the opportunities we can create.

Where are those who walk humbly with their God? Where are those who are submitted to Him and His will for their lives? Where are those who pray, “Not my will, but Thine be done?” Where are those who diligently seek Him and fear to do anything without Him?

We will not even live to see tomorrow outside the will of God. How He longs for true worshippers! Those who have not made idols of their own destinations. Those who are not bowing down in service to their own strong desires. Those who don’t give Him “lip service,” while removing their hearts far from Him. Where are the godly men and women in this day? Where are those who walk in the fear of the Lord? They will be His jewels in the day He makes up His crown.

Don’t tell God where you’re going. Ask Him where He wants you to go.

Michael Beck is a pastor in the Dallas, TX area and the main author on Signpost. Receive a daily devotional he publishes every morning via email.