“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20)
We have no communion with God when we walk in the darkness of sin. Those who fellowship with God are holy even as He is holy. They walk in the light even as He is in the light. But communion with God doesn’t end with what we don’t do. God has brought us into fellowship with Himself so He can communicate with us and we with Him.
Our prayer life determines the extent of our communion with God. The less we pray the less God is able to mold our thoughts, bringing them into line with His. Jesus said we are to always pray because we are constantly in need of God’s influence upon our inner man. Tozer wrote: “As a man prays, so is he.”
When we pray we invite God into the secret chambers of our heart. There we “sup” with Him. We lay bare our soul. We want Him to search us and know us. We are open to all He would write on the table of our heart.
How vast a difference between praying and “saying prayers.” Real praying is real talk. It is two-way communication between two people who already bonded together in holy communion. God has saved and sanctified us in Christ to bring us into the most intimate fellowship with Himself. Don’t neglect the “communion table.” It is where deep calls unto deep.